• balance stones
    Features,  Inspiration,  Journal

    Feed Your Passion

    When you love what you do for a living, there is often a fine line between pleasure and career. When I first started taking photos, it was merely on a lark and for my own simple pleasure. In 2011, Connecticut…

  • Photo, lisa mikulski, feet, autumn
    Inspiration,  Journal

    The Start of Something New

    I love new beginnings but often new beginnings are based upon a past. The tapestries of our lives are woven from the experiences and knowledge gained over time. I’m thrilled to present to you the new website design for Dragonfly…

  • Photography by Lisa Mikulski
    Consulting,  Features,  Marketing

    Promoting Creatives

    In the arts industry, probably more than any other, it is of vital importance to create design work that is engaging and of the highest quality. Artists who put in many hours choosing just the right color or composition for…

  • The Importance of Marketing
    Features,  Marketing

    The Importance of Art Marketing

    There are many graphic designers that can build you a beautiful website or stunning graphic presentations. However, just because you have an online presence, or a great new business card, doesn’t mean you’ll be instantly flooded with requests from buyers…