
  • pencil and paper black and white
    Consulting,  Design

    A design client’s bill of rights

    The best design projects are a collaboration between designer and client. Both have responsibilities and rights. Dragonfly Blu is always looking for great gigs with great people. It has been my mission to develop working relationships with my clients rather…

  • typewriter close up
    Consulting,  Marketing,  Writing

    Storytelling Solutions

    In the course of my work, I get to collaborate with many talented individuals. They span the creative range from painters, sculptors, writers, and photographers. One of the clients whom I am especially pleased to work with is Pulitzer Prize…

  • Photography by Lisa Mikulski
    Consulting,  Features,  Marketing

    Promoting Creatives

    In the arts industry, probably more than any other, it is of vital importance to create design work that is engaging and of the highest quality. Artists who put in many hours choosing just the right color or composition for…